
Global Scale: Model Development and Aerosol Climate Impact
  1. Li X.*, Paulot F., Guo H., Ramirez U., Bauer S.E., Liu X., Ginoux P. GFDL Aerosol Modal Model (GLAMM) – Part 1: Model Description and Aerosol Evaluation with Emerging Observational Constraints. In prep. 
  2. Li X.*, Ginoux P. An empirical parameterization to separate coarse and fine mode aerosol optical depth over land. Geophysical Research Letters, in press
Process Scale: Ice Nucleating Particles and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction
  1. Li X.*, Wolf M., Shen X., Zhang Z., Gold A., Surratt J. D., Bourg I. C., Cziczo D. J.*, Zhang Y.* Quantifying and parameterizing the impact of phase state on the ice nucleation abilities of organic aerosols. In prep
  2. Li X.*, Wolf M., Shen X., Steinke I., Lai Z., Niu S., China S., Shrivastava M., Zhang Z., Gold A., Surratt  J. D., Bourg I. C., Cziczo D. J.*, Burrows S.*, Zhang Y.* Quantifying and Modeling the Impact of Phase State on the Ice Nucleation Abilities of 2-Methyltetrols as a Key Component of Secondary Organic Aerosol Derived from Isoprene Epoxydiols. Environmental Science & Technology, 58 (51), 22678-22690 (2024).
Molecular Scale: Aerosol Properties and Interfacial Chemistry
  1. Li X., Bourg I.C.* Hygroscopic growth of adsorbed water films on smectite clay particles. Environmental Science & Technology 58(2), 1109-1118 (2024).
  2. Li X.  Water, salt, organics, and minerals: improved understanding of aerosol microphysics from a nanoscale basis. Princeton University (2023).
  3. Li X.*, Bourg I.C. Phase state, surface tension, water activity, and accommodation coefficient of water-organic clusters near the critical size for atmospheric new particle formation. Environmental Science & Technology 57(35), 13092–13103 (2023).
  4. Li X., Bourg I.C.* Microphysics of liquid water in sub-10 nm ultrafine aerosol particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23, 2525-2556 (2023).
Undergraduate Research: Interfacial Chemistry for Energy System
  1. Wu Y., Li P., Yan B., Li X. et al. A Salt-Induced Tackifying Polymer for Enhancing Oil Recovery in High-Salt Reservoirs: Synthesis, Evaluation, and Mechanism. Green Energy & Environment, 10, 006 (2023).
  2. Zhou S., Zhang D.*, Wang H., Li X. A modified BET equation to investigate supercritical methane adsorption mechanisms in shale. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105, 284-292 (2019).